Saturday, May 2, 2009

How Do You Get Magellan Italy Maps


"My Town '"


enter the field with a list not meant to be an appendage of the party, would serve little, only to further divide our community and confusing, but with a list that was created with the opposite objective: to unite to give our city a government of the need at the most deeply felt by ordinary people. What is my intention is to provide citizens a new force made up of people totally unrelated to politics, but enthusiastic about the task that lay ahead. What we want is a program to offer the city made only of concrete commitments and understandable. We will strive to support and give confidence to those who create jobs and prosperity and we will be always on the side of the weakest are ready to support and maintain their hope. We want to assure everyone a city to live peacefully. A city government that brings more attention and respect the environment, who knows with the utmost determination to oppose corruption. We will strive to give citizens more security, more cleaning, more order, more efficiency, more transparency. With this in mind, without fear, which is strongly determined to achieve their goals, with equanimity, knowing that they have nothing to lose, go on the pitch with you to ensure that the city government to the point mind you, and avoid unnecessary chatter and quarrels.

This is our symbol:

That's our motto: THE CITY 'AND' MY PARTY

Transparency and morality are the cornerstones of the program. All deliberate acts by starting with the operating budget will be inspected at the offices in charge and on the WEB. Who elected you promise to honor the program on which he had the confidence from the people and to keep their commitments to the electorate on pain of dismissal from office.

Click on the program:

  1. transparency and efficiency in administrative machinery

    1. Listening to the voice of the people to ensure that people find the taste to be active and to express their participation

    2. Create a network as a meeting place for civic citizens and bodies of the municipality (mayor, councilors, advisors)

    3. Improving the organizational capacity of the institution, to restore confidence and enthusiasm to the municipal employees, because only a reasoned structure can give citizenship to the attention it deserves and high quality services

    4. Transforming the town center in a complete and personalized tailored to each individual citizen

    5. Promoting a culture of transparency, legality and efficiency

    6. entrust tasks in accordance with current regulations, people with proven skills and notes for merits and morality

    7. Respect laws, distinguishing the public interest by private interests

    8. avoid interference and conflicts of interest

    9. Tenders for an innovative project aimed at reducing costs and improving management of the municipality and to increase satisfaction staff. This project will aim to involve citizens in assessing of City

    1. Implementing the recovery of the housing center, improving the viability, livability, services, and promoting the resumption of traditional activities. Improve the hospitality of the historic center by encouraging the use of public land by operators of public services. Stimulating exhibitions and cultural events and shows. A national referendum for the closure to traffic of the center.

    2. Improve internal roads throughout the municipality with the implementation, if necessary, new roads, regularization of the traffic and the identification of areas suitable for stopping and parking. Increase the areas to be devoted to public parks, increase the planting of urban and suburban areas.

    3. Making the modernization and expansion of sidewalks, street lighting, streets.

    4. Improving urban design.

    5. complete the project for the construction of the theater area equipped with multifunctional (dining area, bar, restaurant, movie theater, underground parking)

    6. Opening the park Vignale

    7. complete public works in progress.

    8. Establish neighborhood committees to better represent the needs and propose possible solutions.

    9. help and assist local organizations involved in environmental and prevention.

    10. Traffic. Making the streets safer, to create the limited traffic zones and pedestrian areas, reduce air pollution and noise

    11. develop a network of cycle paths protected

    12. Creating multilevel or underground car parks in the country focal points

    13. Intensification of urban public transport with the villages and areas more distant from the center

    14. Implement periodic campaigns of measurement on the sources of pollution suits. Implement measures to reduce environmental pollution by encouraging responsible actions by all actors that produce environmental pollution.

    15. Launch a campaign to measure the electromagnetic fields to assess compliance with new state legislation.

    16. Avoid concessions municipal areas for the installation of facilities that produce electromagnetic waves, particularly in areas frequented by children.

    17. Start the campaign for a proper waste separation to which he must follow the detailed control of the territory through the institution of vigilant ecology, a municipal police officer with the task of controlling the territory, receiving in particular reports from citizens about environmental pollution, noise, litter etc.

    18. Rewarding districts whose citizens are committed to maintaining the decorum of the city.

    19. Promoting the cemetery building, improve the urban (city cemetery as a monument)

    1. strengthen the social commitment in favor of the most vulnerable

    2. improve and strengthen the 'assist students with disabilities and home care for the elderly and people with handicaps

    3. Lift Barrier

    4. Increase centers and multipurpose facilities for encouraging the socialization

    5. Supporting disadvantaged families to rent the house

    6. Promote meetings and projects against drugs and juvenile delinquency

    7. opening a door adolescents and young people with a service "ORIENTAGIOVANI" able to provide information and advice in the address field

    8. educational and professional organization of musical events

    9. social problems listening center, children, women, disabled (toll-free number available at the times Opening of the municipal offices)

    10. E ' We intend to implement the services (home care) and strengthen the activities of senior centers, promoting information meetings on specific subjects with geriatric doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, etc.

    11. Increase the service of meals at home for the elderly who live Solil 'organization of all these activities involve the necessary involvement of all the organizations that already work in the voluntary sector (associations, Red Cross, civil defense, etc) that could be an important and significant network service to population

    12. reformulate the criteria for imposition of taxes and duties of municipal jurisdiction, taking into account the poor families and those single-income.

    13. Identify areas to be devoted to building economic and People trying to offer the new couple the opportunity to enjoy the incentives for the public get their first home.

    14. Construction of a municipal recreation center for children

    15. discounts on medicines in community pharmacies for owners of social card

    1. Ensure the safety of the school building stock and the execution to proceed of detailed technical investigations

    2. Implementing the structural improvement of school buildings

    3. promote projects for the promotion of extracurricular activities like sports, music, theater and computer science
  5. HEALTH '

    1. organize prevention campaigns and screening every six months, involving the annual ASL, physicians basic and medical professionals (in January: preventing heart failure; June: prevention of diabetes, etc.).

    2. Activate a monitoring committee of the hospital with the intent to supervise the activities of the same

    1. Combating unemployment through the reduction of labor black and support the maximum dissemination and activation of training and professional qualification for those who lose their jobs. The administration will endeavor to meet the needs of companies in the choice of these training courses.

    2. support all initiatives Votto you to defend the industrial and handicraft production against competition from Asia

    3. defense and promotion of local products by indicating the geographic origin

    4. containment of production costs for the supply chain agro-atimentare with the establishment of a weekly market for direct sales of local agricultural products' "dat producer to consumer. " The market will be managed by farmers.

    5. re-discussion of the plan

    6. attention to all initiatives aimed at encouraging the creation of new jobs and to achieve greater market inctusione detailed work of youth, women, disabled people (Biagi Law).

    7. Establish mixed public-private partnership with other local authorities, for the organization of municipal services (transport, canteens, associative profits, etc) in order to improve value for money for consumers.

    8. Appoint a committee of highly qualified persons engaged on the front lines every day in the field of crafts, industry and trade, which no party interests, the municipal administration to propose new ideas for solving problems of Civita Castellana.

    9. encourage new production facilities with a stone of incentives, tax credits through the municipality, or, reducing infrastructure costs. Who will enjoy the benefits it will prove to hire labor demand and residing in the city. (Turn on commercial investments in the industrial means to employ mainly women, who in recent years, due to the crisis of the tableware industry, have paid the highest tribute to unemployment. We want Civita Castellana to create an industrial zone to the name that our city has the world in terms of hard work and productivity, and that is the best calling card for those who want to invest here, in the near Viterbo, there is a reality of this kind, Civita Castellana, the industrial center of international concern, no!).

    10. Troubleshoot the PIP area listening and debating with industrial and craftsmen. Taking care of the urban area, (remove hazards to prevent damage to the workers, the workers and ordinary citizens must be a priority for the council.

    11. purifier. In a country whose citizens believe strongly in all initiatives designed to maintain livable environment, one can not but think of the long-standing resolution of the purifier. That the administration should be in charge of the priority problem, and by bringing those who use condition (industries, households, etc) to pay a fitting tribute. Facilitate the disposal of pollutants at the right cost is the best you can offer to all citizens.

    12. Designing in the Industrial Area (ex-storey plus) display a small town (permanent exhibition) for all local products. The project will of course provide the realization of all these support services such as banks and post offices, bars, canteens for the workers a first aid station, classrooms for training, etc..

    13. E 'must engage with industry and trade associations for the govemment proposes a plan that has as its objective to obtain the necessary investments to enable energy savings, to support restructuring of the establishments, the highly toxic material smaltirnento (asbestos) and to continuously improve and renew the design of ceramic production.

    14. encourage the creation of a consortium of companies.

    1. promote and spread the sport among the population by promoting courses nn kr az I do

    2. PromLlovere sports competitions and tournaments provide places where active training of defibrillators.

    3. Restructuring and / or conversion of the municipal swimming pool.

    4. encourage and promote partnerships with other cities as well as cultural exchanges, sports, etc..

    1. Strengthen and eventually create a cultural heritage site internet.

    2. Dealing with local travel agencies, with the hotel, with restaurant owners, craftsmen, to create packages "ALL" to propose, for value for money, national and international tourist circuit.

    3. Increase hotel accommodation (cottage, bad and breakfast).

    4. Promote training courses for tourist guides.

    5. Increase links with shuttle bus to the city of Rome.

    6. create mountain bike trails and walking paths for ecological protection in places of particular beauty.

    7. CARNIVAL.

    8. Encourage industry carnival

    9. Create and promote specific training courses as well as adequate facilities for the construction of the floats.

    10. Promote twinning with other carnivals of the peninsula and encourage reciprocal participation in the courses of Gaia.

    11. consider any changes to the route.

    1. priority to public safety

    2. Increase the number of traffic wardens, traffic warden to create the figure of the neighborhood. b) To encourage greater integration with the police to exercise better control of the territory.

    3. Tackling illegal settlements.

    4. Valuing the presence on the territory of a section of civil protection and the Red Cross with a greater awareness of their presence and their utility, constantly organizing informational meetings on prevention, in the course of a natural disaster and the correct daily behavior.

    1. Reduction of bureaucracy: Further development of a plan of reorganization and digitization of the administration to achieve the following objectives:

    2. Considerable savings, public access to public offices over the Internet, most transparency and certainty of the procedure, passing paper from the archive to digital.

    3. procure a tender for an innovative project aimed at reducing costs (invest in alternative energy for heating and lighting of premises) and improving the management of the municipality and to increase employee satisfaction. This project will aim to involve citizens in the evaluation of the municipal administration. c) opening a one-stop dedicated to informing individuals on the use of photovoltaic energy.

    4. For all staff will be provided incentives to productivity and professionalism with the intent to avoid adaptation to the tasks carried out. Be carried out competitions for the recognition of the status of individual operators.

    5. Establishment of a foundation with the aim of rewarding young people who excel in social. parameter of the income will not be excluded. will award scholarships consist of cash.

    6. will retain the scholarships on academic merit.

    7. Creating an office in charge (TASK FORCE) identification of funding provincial, regional, national, European, to be exploited for the organization of training courses, to encourage the start of work activities in trade in 'industry, tourism, etc..

    8. will be appointed a maximum number of assessors as required by law. The choice previlegerà non-employed or underemployed.

    9. reduction of the salary of the Secretary Municipal.

    1. constitutes the consultation of the associations operating in the area for a full coordinainento activities and a necessary financial support and / or structures, recognizing the invaluable contribution has always offered by the associations to the social, cultural and environmental sustainability of our country.


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