Thursday, September 11, 2008

Make Your Own Flea Trap

Donneuropee Federcasalinghe with Utelit to abolish the fee

Donneuropee Federcasalinghe reiterates its support for the petition for the abolition of the fee initiated by Rai Utelit.

Circular Letter of the President Federica Rossi Gasparrini

"As you know, on behalf of members and partners, has launched Federcasalinghe in 2007 a legal action against the charge that added to the amount of the fee Rai (€ 0.22 / year) brings the cost of the fee to more than 100 €. The reasons we started has not been established, so with the dramatic times of Italian justice, we do not know what the outcome of our initiative. Federcasalinghe Rai believes that the fee is a charge unjust and out of time. There are several reasons for our objection: planning culturally deficient, superficiality and harmfulness of certain programs, particularly for children, excessive costs of production and consultancy services; excessive publicity, as do private tv, lack of information spaces in favor of various citizens and their representative organizations, as if the Italian people are unprepared and unable to talk about their problems.

These are just some points to which we add the exorbitant fee of Rai, which strikes indiscriminately even in the economically weaker sections. For this we give our full support to the initiative promoted by: Utelit - National Association of TV viewers and consumers and its president Rocco Monaco entitled "Television is all." Utelit is collecting signatures to repeal the fee Rai.

Please complete and sign the form.

On 25 September 2008 in Rome will be given the thousands of signatures to the Parliament, and will be issued a "white paper" that will collect public comments on the canon and the Rai Rai itself. "

For more information:
Donneuropee Federcasalinghe

Coordinator Dominique Testa
Tel / fax. : 081 803 48 91 - cell. 347 6 94 29 89