Monday, January 28, 2008

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Federcasalinghe: HANDS FREE FROM ANY subjection Partit

Today, the Committee National Executive of Federcasalinghe formalized the resolutions passed unanimously Presidents of the National Assembly and Provincial Regional which was held in Rome January 16, 2008.
Inspired by the tragic situation that has arisen in Campania on the failure of municipal solid waste collection, the National Assembly of Federcasalinghe resolved:
1) It will not be confirmed political confidence to parties that have nominated candidates to the various administrative positions or policies that have proved not up to its role - (see Rosetta Iervolino and Antonio Bassolino).
2) The Federcasalinghe takes on a mapping run in all Italian municipalities to highlight those who have not started and operated the recycling and Pretender, where necessary, the initiation of this form of collection.
3) In addition Federcasalinghe will pretend the Minister of Labour, the implementation of measures for the enforcement of the Lisbon agreements, and the use of modern forms of contract already provided for by the rules and that old ideologies are not implemented (see an occasional and accessory) .
4) and will pretend Federcasalinghe by the Minister of Labour and regional council members to work as a priority, respect for motherhood and women's rights including that of returning to the workforce.
It was also decided to field all the tools necessary to the defense of women and including their rights to be active in the world economy and security.


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