From 'Federcasalinghe' 100 roses
CITY 'VATICAN 16.01.2008
A beam of 100 roses for Pope Benedict XVI. With this gift, Federcasalinghe the Holy Father wishes to express affection, esteem and respect of thousands and thousands of mothers. ''We are saddened and offended - declares in the name of Federcasalinghe the National President, Federica Rossi Gasparrini - the pettiness and intolerance expressed by some teachers of the University 'La Sapienza' of Rome. We wonder who we're worried about entrusting the cultural growth of our children.'' We read''- he continues - that international agencies place the cultural level of the Italian schools in low places, unfortunately. We must conclude that intolerance, rampant materialism, the lack of positive ideals as families against whom we fight, then they are taught by teachers who do not even know how to respect the right to a free growth of young people? ".
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